Small Cells: The next big thing in mobile communications

more small phone masts
Wireless operators realise that building more traditional macro mobile phone masts is not always a viable solution due to the large amount of space these installations require, along with the high price of building and maintaining them. The answer just might be in small cell technology. With a small footprint, this new alternative for higher capacity data can provide a range of 10 meters within urban areas, and up to 2 km for more rural locations. Although small cells have not yet gone mainstream, they are on the rise as the best solution to deal with traffic in high-density areas in a reliable, inexpensive, and easy-to-install way.Comparable to the size of a hat-box, small cells are discreet and can be deployed on existing structures such as lamp posts, utility poles, billboards, and building exteriors. It has been said good things come in small packages, but while small cells may be the solution for better coverage for data users, it could pose a problem for landlords of existing mobile phone masts and rooftop antennas. As mobile operators start adapting small cells into the network, traditional mobile phone masts may naturally be phased out as a means of reducing the operators operating expenses.

It is important for landlords with traditional mobile phone mast on their property to understand the risks that new technology can present. Small cell technology is just one of the many advancements to consider.